The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020 is intended to provide economic relief for individuals 受大流行影响.

在关怀之下,美国.S. Department of Education was authorized to provide funding to institutions of higher education to award in the form of 紧急财政援助补助金 给学生. These funds must be used by students to help cover 费用s related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus, including eligible 费用s under a student’s cost of attendance such as: food, housing, course materials, technology, 保健和儿童保健. In keeping with federal guidance, 科霍马社区学院 是否优先考虑经济需求最大的学生.


All institutions receiving CARES Act funding are required to complete multiple reports.


Only students who are or could be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), may receive 紧急财政援助补助金. 学生必须在科霍马社区学院注册.

This includes but is not limited to the following characteristics:

  • 有效社会安全号码
  • 登记服兵役(如法律规定)
  • U.S. 公民或经授权的非公民
  • 取得令人满意的学业进展
  • 没有拖欠联邦贷款

What are eligible 费用s for requesting an emergency financial aid grant through 关怀法案?

Emergency financial aid grants 给学生 are for 费用s related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus including eligible 费用s under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, 还有儿童保育.


  • 购买与在线课程相关的技术
  • 附加课程材料
  • 意外/额外的差旅费用
  • 紧急情况或儿童保育费用增加
  • 购买以前在校内提供的餐食
  • 更换药物
  • 搬离校园的租金

Examples of 费用s that are not considered as campus disruption 费用s:

  • Paying the same amount for rent, food, internet services 还有儿童保育 费用s as you were previously paying, even if you are in a different location. 无新增费用 已经发生了.
  • Replacing wages from the loss of a job for you or your family is not an 费用 that is reimbursable since this is a change in your financial need and not an incurred 费用.

Are supporting documents, such as receipts, required to receive funds?

Supporting documentation is not required when submitting the application for eligible 费用s under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, 科技、医疗保健和儿童保健. 然而,科霍马社区学院办公室 of 金融援助 may require additional information or documentation to substantiate 你的请求. 学生 are required to certify that the information they submit is 真实完整.


It is necessary for the 科霍马社区学院 Office of 金融援助 to confirm information before awarding 关怀法案 monies to incoming students. 只有标题 IV eligible students who converted from on-ground to online classes due to campus 关闭有资格自动获得奖励.


根据美国财政部的指引.S. 科荷马社区教育部 College 是否优先考虑经济需求最大的学生. 奖励金额可 differ based on information given on the application, student financial need, and 可用的资金.

Automatic Awards were made Federal Funding credit hour rules for the following categories:

  • 半场结束前
  • 半场
  • 四分之三的时间
  • 全职

How is financial need assessed for 紧急财政援助补助金 给学生 under 关怀法案?

Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) as determined from information submitted in the FAFSA and limits by category of 费用 as well as overall maximum amounts are considered 用于评估学生的经济需要.




No. Applications are limited to one submission per student per academic term.


The funds are awarded as a grant which do not have to be repaid and are not considered 一笔贷款. Repayment would be required if false or misleading information is provided resulting in emergency aid being issued under false or fraudulent pretenses.


Funds will be available dependent upon verification of data and assessment of need, and within 5 to 10 business days of the application due date for students who have previously completed the 科霍马社区学院 金融援助 process.

Why do I see the funds in myCCC under My 金融援助 Awards, but not in My Student 账户?

根据美国财政部的指引.S. 教育部,关怀法案授予 students cannot be used by the institution to pay student balances. 奖项必须是 直接支付给学生.

Why do I have to file a 2019-2020 and/or 2020-2021 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal 学生援助)?

Only students who are or could be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), may receive 紧急财政援助补助金. 体育网赌正规平台下载使用2019-2020和/或 the 2020/2021 FAFSA to determine eligibility of a student to participate in Title 第四项目.

How long will it take for my application to be processed after I submit a FAFSA?

The 科霍马社区学院 Office of 金融援助 should receive your information with 5 to 10 business days after your successful submission of the FAFSA. 您的应用程序 will be reviewed once eligibility per the FAFSA is determined.

I have not qualified for financial aid in the past based on my FAFSA. 我应该申请吗? 对于这些基金?

Even if you were previously not eligible for other federal financial assistance, you may be eligible for an emergency financial aid grant under 关怀法案 and should 尽快提交FAFSA.

Can I qualify for CARES Act funding even if my income was too high to qualify for 其他类型的经济援助?

Yes, you may still qualify for CARES Act funds even if your income was too high to 有资格获得其他类型的援助.

How can I get an answer to a question not covered by these FAQs?

For answers to questions not covered by these FAQs, please email 从你的老虎邮箱账户.